Imagine Cinemas London — Movie Theater in London

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Imagine Cinemas London

Movie Theater at Citi Plaza Shopping Mall, 355 Wellington St, London, ON N6A 3N7, Canada, London, Ontario, N6A 3N7 . Here you will find detailed information about Imagine Cinemas London: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

Opening hours

  • Monday
    12:30 – 10:00 PM
  • Tuesday
    12:30 – 10:00 PM
  • Wednesday
    12:30 – 10:00 PM
  • Thursday
    12:30 – 10:00 PM
  • Friday
    12:30 – 10:00 PM
  • Saturday
    12:30 – 10:00 PM
  • Sunday
    12:30 – 10:00 PM


Based on 5 reviews


Citi Plaza Shopping Mall, 355 Wellington St, London, ON N6A 3N7, Canada, London, Ontario, N6A 3N7
N6A 3N7

Photo gallery

Office photos Imagine Cinemas London -->
  • Office photos Imagine Cinemas London
  • Imagine Cinemas London road map
  • Imagine Cinemas London satellite image

About Imagine Cinemas London

Imagine Cinemas London is a UK Movie Theater based in London, Ontario. Imagine Cinemas London is located at Citi Plaza Shopping Mall, 355 Wellington St, London, ON N6A 3N7, Canada,

Please contact Imagine Cinemas London using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find Imagine Cinemas London opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of Imagine Cinemas London

  • Ellie
    Added 2015.08.05
    I visited this theatre for the first time since it ceased to be called Rainbow Cinemas. I wasn't blown away by any new structural changes to the facility's lobby but the reclining seats were very comfortable, and the sound and screen were good as well. The place was quite clean including the recliners. All the employees were friendly and I enjoyed myself overall. Ticket prices are very good and I felt concession costs were typical of a movie theatre. A possible bonus for people with young children is the excitement for the child driving into the underground parking (which is free) climbing stairs and using the elevator to get to the theatre, my niece seemed to enjoy that part anyway. A couple disappointments were the fact that on the website it says if you buy a $50 gift card you will receive a free 2 for 1 pass but when I asked about it the employee said the company told him that deal expired. Also, we had to wait a little while in the lineup due to only one attendant being on duty but then again perhaps that helps them keep their costs down. Overall, because it is not a huge theatre and as a result the crowds aren't huge either I will attend this theatre again in the future.
  • Christopher
    Added 2015.03.01
    We had a terrific experience! Low cost, great seats. I have a disability and I found the room between the seats SO WONDERFUL! The popcorn was delicious and refillable which was super surprising. I will definitely be watching all my movies in this theater from now on.
  • Kinsley
    Added 2014.11.26
    Great and newly renovated facility with reclining leather seats. Use to be the old Rainbow Cinemas. Plenty of space between seats. Great concession options and still slightly cheaper than most other theaters. Clean and well maintained. Friendly veteran staff still working there from the days of Rainbow Cinema. Cost is reasonable and ideal for families. Free underground parking available through Citi Plaza with movie ticket purchase and parking validation inside movie theater. Also paired with The Fox & Fiddle Restaurant and Pub in Citi Plaza (ground level) for a movie and meal deal - If you spend $18.99 + cost of a beverage (per person) before taxes you get a free movie ticket pass to use at your discretion at Imagine Cinemas (2nd level) a great deal for couples. Tuesday movie specials are great here: $7.00 movies and $8.00 for a medium pop and popcorn (real butter not available) which can be upsized for a couple of quarters. Well worth investigating and adding to your cinema options.
  • Gabriel
    Added 2014.03.28
    Great theatre downtown London. Great prices, best in London. They have renovated and now have leather, reclining seats!!!! Oh don't forget that they also have free refills on large and have great birthday party packages! Underground parking that's free (validated) is nice too!
  • Oliver
    Added 2014.01.19
    Used to bring the kids here years ago when they were little.. what a change since then! Prices are still great, cheaper than most other theaters, friendly staff, free parking after 6 during the week and on weekends on the street.. and best of all they've upgraded all the seats to recliners.. almost too comfy!
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